The quality of the Conversations to manage people and their tasks, as well as define how they want to work together, is 80/20 of managerial and team work; and based on this, this webinar is designed.
The AGENDA for this webinar is:
Impact on the results of the team and the company.
Increased empowerment and improvement of the work environment.
Improvement in the management of commitment and relationships.
How they leverage the soft skills of the 21st century.
Oriented to:
Directors/Managers of Talent Management in companies.
Driven by:
José Bretón (Expert in Organizational Conversations and Talent Development.)
Event information:
webinar:Culture of Conversations & Team Development / PROPOSAL 2023
Day: Wednesday October 16, 2022
Time: 11:00 am (-4 GMT) | Dominican rep
Time: 50 minutes
Via: Zoom
Guided by: José Bretón